July 26 Dave and I made a trip to Focused Imaging in Nashville; a place that provides gender ultrasounds as early as 15 weeks.  Dave and I waited until 17 weeks just to make sure they would be able to see everything appropriately.  My Ob told us at 15 weeks he was 85% sure it was a girl but didn’t want to say for sure at that time.  So, the day finally arrived for us to go find out for sure.  We were extremely excited to not only find out the gender, but to name our baby and begin to picture him/her and plan the nursery and all the fun things that come along with knowing the gender.  I was told to drink orange juice before the appointment because the sugar would probably make the baby more energetic due to the sugar content in orange juice. 

 So, I did as I was told and we showed up ready to see our baby.  Dave and I joked prior the appointment that if the baby was cooperative they were going to be more like me, but if they were stubborn and uncooperative then they were probably going to be more like Dave.  Well, after 15 minutes of trying to get our baby to let us see the private area, we decided this little baby might be more like DaveJ  The baby was quite content sleeping and turning away from us making it very hard for us to see anything in that region.  Finally, the ultrasound tech advised me to stand up and shake my hips.  I proceeded to do so and then laid back down on the table to see if that helped.  Sure enough, our little one was lying with legs spread open for all the world to see.  Apparently now felt ready to let us know that indeed she was a GIRL!!!!   It had to be on her time – and she wasn’t going to reveal any sooner.  Sounds like someone else I knowJ

God has chosen to bless us with a precious little girl.  From the beginning Dave and I felt that this baby growing inside of me would be a little girl.  I don’t think we could tell you why, but we both had a strong feeling.   I know we are thrilled to be celebrating the joys that come along with a baby girl but mostly praising God for a healthy baby.  We didn’t care either way what the sex of the baby was, but prayed heavily for our child to be healthy and growing and developing appropriately.   Just thinking about the processes going on inside of me and all the changes that take place with our baby girl daily, it’s amazing how it all comes together, and for me only confirms the power and sovereignty of our God.  Only He could create a life and bring it to completion in his timing.  It’s amazing to be a part of this.  

In choosing a name Dave and I had a much easier time with girl names than boy names.  We’ve had years to discuss this topic and try to figure out what we would name our little one when they came, but it was only until recently we got more serious about what we want to call our child.  Naming this baby girl makes it even more real to us and we are now planning the nursery and enjoying buying things for our little princess.  Dave and I had two girl names we really liked.  It was difficult to decide which to use, so I told Dave that we’re just going to have to have another 1 or 2 more girls because we just have too many girl names we really like.  I can actually see Dave with a couple daughters.  He’s the kind of guy who would deal wonderfully with them.  I know he would love a son one day, but I think God wired him to raise daughters in some special way.   I have to say that was one of the reasons I actually thought it was a girl, because it’s so easy to picture him with a daughter.  He’s just going to be so good with herJ I can already see them going on Daddy/Daughter dates and I have no doubts she’ll be a daddy’s girl and share many special times with him.   

We are going to name our baby girl:  AVERY HARPER:
We wanted the name to sound pretty, but thought it would be nice for the name to have meaning as well.  The simple definition of Avery means nobility.  In the dictionary it goes into further detail……………the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct, the quality of deserving honor or respect; characterized by honor, high-mindedness, noble-mindedness, idealism - elevated ideals or conduct; the quality of believing that ideals should be pursued.

We can’t think of a better name for our little girl esp. after exploring more into the meaning.  We want our little girl to know that she should conduct herself in a way that is pleasing to the Lord- one with high morals and high conduct.  We also want her to know she is a child of the King and deserves honor and respect from those around her, but that she also needs to treat others with that same respect.  We want our little girl to respect herself and pursue what God wants for her in life, which is a life that glorifies Him in all things.  We want our little girl to uphold her high moral standards even when it may not be easy.  There are so many things we want for our little girl and we pray that she will know these things, but mostly that we love her!

We are enjoying decorating Avery’s nursery and picking out her furniture and all the things she will need when she arrives.  We continue to pray for a healthy baby girl and wait in expectation as God continues to grow and develop her over the next 20 weeks.  

Dave and I are enjoying every second of the pregnancy and part of doing that was celebrating with friends through a gender reveal party as we revealed our baby's gender by releasing pink balloons into the sky.  It was a lot of fun and definitely a sweet memory we will cherish forever!

We're so excited: It's a Girl!
Gender Reveal Party: We got to share this with over 30 wonderful friends! What a wonderful day!