1st Ultrasound

The first ultrasound should confirm an embryo with a viable heartbeat.  It’s not really audible at this time, but it flutters.    This ultrasound is a big deal after IVF in that it pretty much confirms a true pregnancy verses a false positive or a sac with no embryo in it.  The sac can cause that false HCG in your blood.  Although mine did double like my doctor wanted to see- our first HCG level was 59 and 48 hr later it rose to 113.   Exactly where they had hoped it would be.  The doubling is a good sign that there is a viable embryo growing inside of me.  Even after the blood test confirmed, I think Dave and I have been on edge- excited of course but nervous as we awaited the first ultrasound to confirm what we’ve been waiting for.  It has been incredibly nerve-racking for me in the early stages of pregnancy because I haven’t felt any different other than being tired.  Other than that I have not had any other true signs of pregnancy.   My mind wants proof that it’s real and being tired just doesn’t really calm the anxious heart while we waited.  

Anyways, the day finally came.  2.5 weeks after our first blood test we went in for our first ultrasound.  My OB-GYN is a great doctor and well, I wouldn’t have gone to anyone else because He works with our clinic in sending us new babies once they’re born and I see his 4 kids in our clinic.  I also have gotten to know his wife and love their family.   I feel comfortable going there and feel very at ease with him as my doctor.  I’ve been monitored so closely up to this point and it’s so nice having a doctor who understands that.  He has offered weekly ultrasounds if that will help me feel better about things.  He’s just that great!

1st Ultrasound:   Dave met me at work and then we drove over to the hospital where my doctor’s office is.  We didn’t wait long but it seemed like an eternity as I was very nervous about what we would see on the screen.   It finally came time to see our little baby on the screen and right away when he went in- I saw the sac.  I couldn’t see anything in the sac right away and panicked for a quick second but as soon as he zoomed in, we could clearly see our embryo inside and the flickering of the heart.  We were speechless with big smiles on our faces.  All Dave and I could say was awesome, cool.   Once we confirmed, Dave asked him if there were any more in there and he looked around but didn’t see anything.  As of now, it looks like one baby, but he did say sometimes it’s hard to see a second sac as it can sometimes hide behind the other one etc.  We are extremely happy with one, but if another should happen to show up in the coming weeks- I think we’ll be overjoyed!!!   Taking it in was indescribable.  We have waited for this moment for so long and finally seeing that little life growing inside my uterus is fascinating.  Afterwards I felt so drained, I think the weeks and moments leading up to this moment had mentally and physically drained me.  I felt like my body had been run over and driving home I let it all sink in…………………..we are really having a baby.    

Dave and I wanted to capture the 1st ultrasound and share with you the amazement of seeing that tiny little life growing inside of me.   It's a miracle from God- no doubt!

5/17/2012 11:19:03 am

So amazing, wonderful, & exciting! A definite miracle at work. God is great! So excited for you guys!


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