I feel so incredibly blessed that my sister is here this week.  With Dave being gone, and going through this week of injections and appointments, it's been soooo nice to have her here.  I've been so distracted from the reality of what is going on and that has been a huge blessing.  I can't imagine sitting here alone at night and only being able to focus on what my body is going through.  This week has gone incredibly fast- I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday.   My nephews are a constant joy to be around- they keep me going without a doubt.  There is never a dull moment, and there's def. no time to linger on what I'm going through when they're here and that's nice.  I wanted these two weeks to go fast, and so far things are going rather quickly. 

Today I had to order more Gonal-F vials to get me through Tuesday as the doctor ordered. Since my dose was increased, I would not have had enough to get me through the amt. of days leading to egg retrieval.   I called the pharmacy on the way to work and the shipment should arrive Friday.  Christine will be here so it will work out nicely so she can be at the house for pick up. 

I hope this 300u I am taking now is increasing my egg count and that they are a good size.  I go back in Friday to find out how things look. ..............
3/8/2011 11:23:29 am

We miss you already! So glad we could distract (annoy) you for a week : )


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