As I get older and realize that life isn't all about me, I am more aware of those around me and the problems they face in this life.  Even though for Dave and I the past few years have been a struggle in trying to get pregnant, I realize there are others with struggles,challenges, trials, disappointments, whatever it may be just like us.    We have a friend right now who is watching her parents of 20+ years of marriage fall apart.  We have another friend who is separated from her husband and struggling to see why they ever got married.  We have friends who financially are scraping for every penny to make ends meet.  We have friends who have been without jobs for many months.  Yeah, we all have different "somethings' clouding our minds, worrying us, stressing us out, or even making us doubt our faith, but in the end it doesn't really matter what that "something" is, it's still a "something".

One of the biggest things I've come to realize through all of this is so many of us are going through something really tough.  As we get older, we begin to realize life isn't always easy.  For those of us who have felt like things just came easy in life, we will eventually hit a point in life when that isn't the case anymore.   For me, infertility has really been that thing.  My whole life even though I didn't realize it until now, things have come pretty easy.  I have been incredibly blessed with so much love, parents who couldn't have loved me more, sisters who provide the deepest friendship one could seek and never find, a husband who loves me with his whole heart and also loves the Lord.    I have always excelled at whatever I put my heart and soul into including sports, academics, art, music, jobs, etc.  I don't say this to brag, I say it to those of you who can relate to this.  

 The reality of life is bad things happen to good people, sometimes we can work really hard at something and still not achieve success, sometimes we have no control over the outcome of a situation, and sometimes God seems silent.   Saying that out loud helps me to realize even more that my relationship with Christ becomes so much deeper when I'm going through a hard time.  When we cruise through life and often times we do and we don't realize it, we lose sight of God.  Our daily lives become so much about us and our successes, goals, dreams, achievements, etc.  We don't "need" God when life is good right?  We forget to be with him in the great times and isn't is crazy that he uses our toughest moments, our weaknesses to turn us back to him.   And isn't it even crazier that he works best in our weakness.
Corinthians 12:9 
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 

I recently discovered another song that has touched my heart. It's called "Lift Me Up" by the Afters.   It captures this blog in that we all do have different problems going on in our lives, but one thing remains the same- He lifts us up, he gives us strength, and he can work powerfully in our weaknesses for his glory.  

I pray that we can all be lifted out of the pit we find ourselves in.  I pray that God gives us the strength we need for our situations we are facing.   And mostly that we can all let go of whatever we are trying to control in our situation.  We have a powerful God!  Amen.

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