Headed to the hospital to have our baby!
So, January 10 we had our weekly check up (41 weeks).  The doctor stripped my membranes again hoping this time would do the job.  He told us to go home and wait and see.  I decided after getting the doctor's approval that I would do the castor oil cocktail as I had heard by many others that this would def. put me into labor.  It was our last resort before going to the hospital for induction that evening.  So, Dave and I left the appointment and went and picked up the castor oil.  I proceeded to chug the cocktail.  Just going to tell you if you were wondering the stuff works- but unfortunately it did nothing for putting me into labor.    

Around 450pm, Dave and I headed to the hospital as the doctor told us to get there between 5 and 530 to be admitted through patient registration via the ER.  It seemed so unnatural going in to the hospital to have my baby without any active labor signs.  I had pictured in my mind that I would be in labor, but this is not how it was working out for us.  It didn't matter though we were going to have our baby.  

We arrived and got a room and shortly thereafter they started a medication called Cervidil.  Cervidil is a vaginal insert given to help ripen the cervix and bring on labor.  We were hoping this would work as it is a lot less invasive than the Pitocin and seemed to be the first step in the process.  The Cervidil is typically placed at night and given 8 hr to work. 

The night went incredibly slow.  I probably slept a total of 1-2 hr and Dave got about 3 hr.  The hospital bed is not very comfortable and having an IV in my hand didn’t help the situation.   Then the contractions kept me up most the night even though they were pretty mild at that point.   Morning finally arrived.  I think we were actually waiting for morning to arrive to see what the Cervidil had done.  The doctor came in around 6 to check me to see if there was any progress.  I was still 1 cm dilated but he said the cervix seemed softer which was good.  It was discouraging that labor didn’t start and that I was still at 1 cm but we were hopeful that starting the Pitocin that morning would definitely get things going.

The Pitocin was started around 8 am. Pitocin (Oxytocin) means "rapid birth." It is a natural hormone named for the natural posterior pituitary hormone. It stimulates uterine contractions indirectly and helps expedite the normal contractions of spontaneous labor. It was started at the lowest rate of 2mu/min. My dose was then increased 2 mu every 30 minutes until we reached one of the highest doses at 20mu/min.  At this point I was having incredibly strong contractions- very painful.  They were horrific.  They were coming on about every 1 to 2 minutes.  For moms out there who have gone natural with Pitocin there are no words for what you endured and you are an incredibly strong woman in my eyes.   Due to the induction medications I was not able to eat other than ice chips.   So, nearing the end of the day with these incredibly strong contractions, no sleep, and no food for 24 hr- let’s just say I was mentally exhausted and drained.  Dave was just as exhausted watching me go through this and trying to help in any way he could.  At 5, my doctor came in to check the progress again- would you believe I was still at 1 cm and my cervix was soft but still very far back – it had not come down where it should be when in labor.  This news caused some tears as I was in so much pain and feeling like things had definitely had to have progressed. I felt so defeated and discouraged after a whole day of pain to not have gotten any further.

 We were both done at this point.  After discussing our options with the doctor, Dave and I felt it was best for us to go home, eat, sleep, and rest for when labor actually begins.  I don’t think either of us could have taken any more physically or mentally at this point anyways.  We were literally functioning on the bare minimum at this point and going home seemed to be the best possible scenario for us.  The doctor stopped the Pitocin and within 10 minutes the contractions had basically ceased.  He said this was a sign my body was definitely not ready as the contractions would have probably continued on their own without the Pitocin if I was going to go into labor.  Dave and I walked the hospital for a little bit before leaving as the doctor wanted to make sure the contractions were really not continuing.

Before leaving, my doctor did an ultrasound on Avery- she looks great!   The amniotic fluid looked great, her heart rate is good and she had her hands over her face like what are you people doing to me?  It was good to see her and know that she is doing ok.   Our main concern throughout the whole process was her health and well-being and we will do anything necessary to make sure we are not jeopardizing her health.   Knowing she is doing well in there reassured us she is not ready and we are ok to wait a few more days.  I felt such a peace about this and getting to go home because after the past 24 period and the state my body was in, I don’t even know if I could have delivered a baby at this point. 

Although this experience has made us even stronger, I hope the next time we go in she is really ready to come out.  Our doctor has given us until Monday to see what happens and rest.  Dave and I left the hospital, ate dinner, showered, and slept 9 hr.  I think we hit the bed and were asleep in seconds.  We woke up this morning feeling refreshed and much better.  We still can’t believe we were only in the hospital 24 hr as it felt like an entire week had passed.  It still seems unreal that we are home without our little girl and it’s upsetting and frustrating that things have not gone how we had hoped and planned. God sent me the perfect verse through my daily verse I receive via email ( In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.– Proverbs 16:9).   I read this while we were in the hospital right as they were starting my Pitocin.  It couldn't have come at a better time as I was able to remember all day that I am not in control of any of this but that I can trust God.  Dave and I have witnessed him at work throughout the whole pregnancy and will continue to wait in expectancy as he finishes his good work.   God has gotten us this far and he will bring us through to the end.    He has a plan for her birthday and her special arrival and although we wish she was here already, we can’t wait to witness his plan unfold (hopefully in the next few days).  

This morning I am having some mild cramps and just going to take it easy, but so thankful to be home and praising God our little girl is ok.  Thank you for your continued prayers as we wait for the arrival our little girl.  

We're ready to be parents.
Ready to be a dad!
Pitocin started and waiting for it to work.
Ready to be a mom!

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