Saturday Appointment.

Yes, we had an appointment today on Saturday and we also have one tomorrow on Easter.  It’s crazy to think that we’re going to a doctor appointment Easter morning but I guess they don’t close due to timing of different cycles and women always needing monitoring during their IVF cycles.  It's odd to get up Easter morning and go to the dcotor before church service, but we'll do what we gotta do.

Ultrasound Results: Follicle Sizes:

(1)    16mm

(1)  15 mm

(1)  13 mm

(1)  12mm

(1) 6 mm


Estradiol level: 515--- slowly rising. 
Uterine Lining:  14mm  -  (above 8mm is very good)

I was extremely emotional today after results.  I guess mainly because I had a 16mm yesterday which means it didn’t really grow much since then.  I was frustrated to hear that there are still several small ones as well.  The nurse reminded me that it gives some of the smaller ones a chance to catch up to the larger follicle, but it was still a little disappointing to see the slow progress I am making.  I know the doctor didn’t expect me to respond really well but I was hoping they would be able to somehow get me to respond better here.    

The plan is to increase my Gonal-F injection tonight from 300iu to 450iu.   Since I ran out of this medication and the pharmacy couldn’t ship it to us on time here in Colorado, Dave and I ran to Todd’s Pharmacy here in Denver to pick an extra 900iu pen up to last for 2 more nights.  We’re hoping that’s all I’ll need but depending on my response over next couple days I may need yet another one.  I have also started taking the Cetrotide injection twice daily to prevent Ovulation from occurring prematurely.  If ovulation occurs before they retrieve the eggs, the entire process is pretty much ruined, so it’s very important we delay that for now.   The reason we have to delay it is because we’re hoping to give these follicles more time to grow and mature.  They are thinking Monday will be trigger day- in which I will take another shot to trigger ovulation and then possibly retrieve eggs Wednesday and do the transfer Saturday.  

We are slightly behind schedule as I was hoping to make it my sister’s wedding shower In Indiana on Saturday.  It’s sad to miss out on some of these things I really want to be a part of, and I know she has been extremely understanding with all of this, but I still wanted to be there.   After getting results today and realizing I probably won’t  be making it home for my her  shower,  I walked out of the clinic crying.   This whole process is frustrating and I know I can’t think about how unfair it all really is, but in the midst of these cycles with multiple shots and their lovely side effects, daily appointments, and the frustrations of having to do this and miss special events starts to really drain me.  I’m so glad Dave is here with me to help keep me positive and thinking about the amazing gift God has for us in the end of all of this.   We also know we are blessed to have so many friends and family encouraging us along the way while we’re here.  Your words of encouragement, prayers, emails, facebook messages mean so much to us!  You’ll never know the impact of your words you send our way- they truly keep us going! 

Last night, my friend Terri who we are staying with, invited me to go with her, her sister, her sister-n-law, and mother to Cocktails and Canvas.   It’s similar to our Paint & Canvas, or Uptown art Uncorked back home.  It was so good to get out and have a little fun!   Terri’s been great distracting me and getting me out.   We had a fun time painting while the guys stayed back and watched a movie.  It was a fun night and a great way to take my mind off everything. 

Terri & Karen Painting.
Karen's painting, Tulips in Bloom.
The whole crew of us.
Here are our lovely paintings.  I’ll admit I didn’t want to paint the chosen painting of the night, so for the first time I ventured out and chose a different painting to paint on my own.   In the spirit of Easter, I chose a painting of tulips that I will put up every Easter now at home for decoration.  It turned out pretty decent.

4/7/2012 10:48:34 am

I know you both want to be there and you will be missed. I know your dream is to have a family and you and Dave are taking all steps necessary to make your dream come true. Matt and I love you both and we are praying for you!! You will be with us in heart and spirit!

Thomas Stanley
4/7/2012 12:38:27 pm

You are an amazing daughter-in-law. You nurse, you decorate and now you paint. I particularly love the stars and how reminiscent they are of vanGogh's Starry Night. You are a very creative woman and always surprising me. As you create, remember that our Creator will create in you amazing things. Your dream and David's will happen.

Beverly Stanley
4/8/2012 07:03:34 am

Wow, what a beautiful painting!
You have so many talents !
Sorry you will miss Renee's shower.
We continue to pray for you and our son!
Hope you had an inspiring time of worship this morning!

Sarah Nichols
4/8/2012 01:40:03 pm

Sweet friends! You are in my prayers! I love reading your blog and knowing how I can pray for you daily : )

9/24/2012 12:48:59 am

Every woman in the days of ovulation can be easiest to get pregnant.


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